Friday 9 December 2011

Magnolia Shaker Card

Today I have something special for you to take a look at. It was a challenge for me, but had so much fun to do. So this will definitely not be the last shaker card I made. And I really love how it turned out.

A close up of the image, where you can see the glass splitters at the ground

I surrounded the 'window' with some beautiful vintage lace by Marianne D which gives the frame a lovely effect.

A close up after some shaking :o)

First I wanted to use some gelatine sheets for the window, but weren't able to get some at the local store. They only had gelatine powder. Well, I could have used it for the filling... :o)

The most of the items I used for this card are available at Bunny Zoe's Crafts:
Flat Backed Pearls and Pins 

And hey, Magnolia stamps are up to 25 % off!!

Well, I hope you enjoyed looking. Thank you so much for your visit.
Have a magical weekend!
Hugs, Karina

1 comment:

  1. Wow !!! this is stunning Karina, love it. I must try a shaker card soon, yours is beautiful.
    Hugs Cheryl
